Last Friday Nite @ SMU

I recently covered a student music event at Singapore Management University entitled Last Friday Nite. There were eight student bands playing over the course of the evening, and all of them brought their A-game. Everyone had a great time, although it was incredibly hot. This is one of the definitive images from the night.

The Lead Singer of the band “Cauliflowers” giving it her all.

It has always struck me that images like this one exist for only a split second as captured by the camera, and that nobody actually sees them until after the event when they are lovingly extracted from amongst the hundreds of images shot on the night. I guess that is why video will never replace photography – they are both essential storytelling tools, one emphasizing the viewer’s passage through time, the other focusing on that one moment, forever frozen in immortality.

So well done Alyssa, you picked up the planet and slammed it into the crowd!

More images from #LastFridaynight2023 can be seen on my Instagram page.

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